Sunday, March 3, 2013

Dr. Seuss is on the loose!

We've kicked off Dr. Seuss month in Pre-K! Here is a glimpse of some activities we did during the first week of March/Dr. Seuss month:

From head to toe, our room is decked out in Seuss! These pictures show projects created by our wonderful team. Here are some ways we worked together to decorate our space...

We have a wonderful high school friend with special needs that visits our class four days a week. He exercised his artistic abilities and helped us paint our lovely Cat in the Hat decoration on the windows. He also worked together with the children to create Red Fish and Blue Fish. At our "cutting center", the children cut up pieces of red and blue paper to strengthen their scissor skills.

The letter of the week was Ff. Stories we read included One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, The The Pout Pout Fish, Wish for a Fish, and Rainbow Fish and the Big Blue Whale. Some other themes of the week were under the sea, rhyming, and friendship. We also introduced many Dr. Seuss songs we will sing in a few weeks at our Dr. Seuss Spring Spectacular.

Writing Practice:
Day 1: Finger tracing and gluing feathers on Ff. We use Heidi Butkus' "Singable Songs for Letters and Sounds" as well.
Day 2: Smart Board writing, Rainbow Writing, and writing practice with dry-erase boards at the writing center.

Sensory/Fine Motor Fun:

We filled the sand table with magnet fish. The children used "fishing rods" to find letters and match them on the cabinet. We also used this activity for number practice.

We also turned our sand table into a water table! The children enjoyed playing in the water and observing different sea creature figurines.

Perhaps our favorite sensory activity was Flubber. I used a simple recipe found on Pinterest. All you need is warm water, glue, Borax, and food coloring. Their eyes lit up as they noticed the chemical reaction that makes flubber! It was interesting to see how the mixture changed throughout the day. Flubber play really got our imaginations working...I overheard different play ideas the kiddies had while playing with flubber. Some were scrambled eggs, Flubber Pie, cakes, and sticky mud.

We also incorporated fish into many math activities such as ABA patterning (a tricky one) and addition.  We practiced writing our numbers and color words during the fish addition activity.

We are also creating "All About Me" books. This week, we created a page of our fingerprints.

The kiddies are also learning and practicing their phone numbers. Here are our phone number Sharks.

Friday, we read the Cat in the Hat. We are getting ready for a surprise visit from him on Monday! To celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday on Saturday, March 2nd, we created party hats, made "Thing One and Thing Two" crafts, and played various games. One was a Cat in the Hat roll and place that reinforced counting and numbers. The other game was a bean bag toss into a hat. We had a blast!

Tomorrow, we will begin letter Ee! I'll be back soon with more Seuss fun! :)

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