Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ll is for ladybug...

We've been going buggy all week! Thanks to some awesome ideas from Pinterest, we've really been having a blast...

Here's a little preview of just a few of our activities:

Sensory play included a new favorite, "The insect table". All you need is 4 to 5 bags of Easter grass from the dollar store, insect figurines(I found mine at Michaels), magnifying glasses, and some tweezers.

To learn how to write Ll, we first practiced tracing our letter with our finger. Then, we stamped them with ladybugs. Further into the week, we practiced prewriting skills as well as letter tracing.

To strengthen our fine motor skills, we practiced at the cutting table. By using our tweezers at the sensory table, it also helped us gain strength in our fingers.

We also played a Ladybug Math Game from Barnes and Noble.

I will be back with more pictures and activities for Ll. I'm so eager to use this and am writing this with my eyes half shut!!

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